Friday, September 13, 2024

Two examples of heating during rapid deceleration events.

My theory predicts that when items are accelerated, the energy is stored in the curved space inside a nucleon as quanta.  And if quanta goes in when something is accelerated, quanta will come out during deceleration.  I looked for some examples that might be explained by quanta being released during extreme deceleration events.

High-Speed Fluid Heating

When a fluid moving at high speed is suddenly stopped, it experiences heating of up to 10 C degrees. 

According to my theory:

Quanta Storage in Nucleons: The quanta are stored in the space-time curvature around the nucleons within the atoms of the fluid particles, not in the fluid particles themselves.

Rapid Deceleration: The sudden stop causes a rapid deceleration of these nucleons.

Quanta Release: This rapid deceleration triggers a sudden release of quanta stored in the space-time curvature around the nucleons.

Energy Conversion: The released quanta manifest as heat energy, explaining the observed temperature increase in the fluid.

Uniform Heating: The heating occurs throughout the decelerating fluid because every nucleon in every atom is releasing its stored quanta.

Scale Independence: This effect applies to various scenarios, from small hydraulic systems to large-scale phenomena like atmospheric reentry of spacecraft, as it's based on the fundamental behavior of nucleons.

The energy storage and release mechanism in your theory is fundamentally tied to the nucleons within atoms, not to the fluid particles as a whole. This distinction is crucial for understanding how your theory explains phenomena across different scales and states of matter, always tracing back to the behavior of space-time curvature at the nuclear level.

Cavitation Explained Through quanta release during rapid deceleration. 

Bubble Formation:

  • Low-pressure areas in a fluid cause the formation of vapor-filled cavities or bubbles.
  • At this stage, the nucleons in the surrounding water molecules are in a relatively stable state.

Bubble Collapse:

  • As these bubbles move to higher-pressure areas, they begin to collapse rapidly.
  • The surrounding water accelerates towards the center of the collapsing bubble at very high speeds.

Quanta Storage During Acceleration:

  • As water molecules accelerate towards the bubble's center, the nucleons within their atoms experience increased velocity.
  • This acceleration causes quanta and its vector to be stored in the space-time curvature around these nucleons, increasing their apparent mass.

Sudden Deceleration at Convergence Point:

  • At the bubble's center, water molecules from all directions converge and suddenly decelerate.
  • This rapid deceleration occurs at the level of nucleons within the water molecules.

Instantaneous Quanta Release:

  • The sudden deceleration triggers an almost instantaneous release of the stored quanta and vector from the space-time curvature around the nucleons.
  • This release occurs in a point at the center of the collapsed bubble and all the vectors of the resulting quanta are directed at that small point.  This would possibly be a laser like release of energy perfectly focused on a point. 

Concentrated Energy Release:

  • The rapid release of quanta from numerous nucleons in a tiny space results in an intense, localized energy concentration.
  • This energy manifests as extreme heat and pressure, potentially sufficient to ionize water molecules and create plasma and a shockwave.

Macroscopic Effects:

  • The intense, localized energy release explains the erosive power of cavitation, capable of damaging even hard materials.
  • The formation of shock waves and the observed light emission (sonoluminescence) can be attributed to this concentrated quantum energy release.

This theory provides a unique explanation for cavitation by linking quantum-scale energy storage and release in nucleons to the macroscopic effects observed during bubble collapse. It offers a fundamental mechanism for the extreme energy concentration that occurs, rooting it in the behavior of space-time curvature at the nuclear level rather than just in fluid dynamics principles.

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