Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Novel Method for Extracting Distribution Properties from Single Points: Implications for Statistical Physics and Computational Efficiency

Author: James M. Rogers, SE Ohio, 29 Sep 2024, 0624


This paper presents a groundbreaking method for extracting multiple properties of statistical distributions from a single point, using simple scaling factors. The technique, demonstrated on Boltzmann and Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions, shows potential for significant computational efficiency gains and theoretical implications across statistical physics and related fields. We discuss the method's development, applications, and its broader implications for our understanding of information encoding in probability distributions.


Statistical distributions are fundamental to many areas of science, particularly statistical physics. Traditional methods for calculating properties of these distributions often involve computationally intensive integration processes. This paper introduces a novel approach that dramatically simplifies these calculations, potentially reducing computational complexity from O(n) to O(1) for many common operations.


Our method involves identifying a specific point on a given distribution and using scaling factors to extract various properties. The process can be summarized as follows:

a) Identify a characteristic point on the distribution (e.g., at 50% of the peak for Maxwell-Boltzmann).  We recommend that everyone use 50% for this so that scaling factors will be the same and can be shared.

b) Calculate the value of the distribution at this point.

c) Apply different scaling factors to this value to extract different properties of the distribution.


3.1 Boltzmann Distribution:

For the Boltzmann distribution, we found that a point at 50% of the peak can be used to calculate the area under the curve (AUC) with a simple scaling factor. Any point can work for this. 

Example code snippet:


import numpy as np

from scipy import constants

from scipy.optimize import fsolve

def energy_at_percentage(T, percentage):

    k = constants.Boltzmann

    def equation(E):

        return np.exp(-E / (k * T)) - percentage

    return fsolve(equation, k*T)[0]

def planck_peak_frequency(T):

    return 2.821 * constants.k * T / constants.h

def peak_energy (point):

    return point/.2457097414250071665

def peak_frequency(point):

    return point * 10e32/.1628089983220458592

def auc(point, T):

    return point * T  * 10e-22/50.20444590190353665093425661

temperatures = [4, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 7000, 10000, 15000, 20000]

percentage = 0.5

print("Temperature (K) | point energy   |    Peak energy  | area under curve|  New Peak Hz    |    planck's law | ratio %")


for T in temperatures:

    point = energy_at_percentage(T, percentage)

    E= peak_energy (point)

    area = auc(point, T)

    refined_freq = peak_frequency(point)

    planck_freq = planck_peak_frequency(T)

    ratio = refined_freq / planck_freq * 100

    print(f"{T:14d} | {point:15.6e} | {E:15.6e} | {area:15.6e} | {refined_freq:15.6e} | {planck_freq:15.6e} | {ratio:20.17f}")

3.2 Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution:

For the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, we demonstrated that the average velocity can be calculated from a single point at 50% of the peak, using a scaling factor of 1/145.036851

Example code and results:


import numpy as np

from scipy import constants

from scipy.integrate import quad

from scipy.optimize import fsolve

def maxwell_boltzmann(v, m, T):

    k = constants.Boltzmann

    return 4 * np.pi * (m / (2 * np.pi * k * T))**(3/2) * v**2 * np.exp(-m * v**2 / (2 * k * T))

def velocity_at_percentage(m, T, percentage):

    k = constants.Boltzmann

    v_mp = np.sqrt(2*k*T/m)  # Most probable velocity

    def equation(v):

        return maxwell_boltzmann(v, m, T) - percentage * maxwell_boltzmann(v_mp, m, T)

    return fsolve(equation, v_mp)[0]

def average_velocity_new_method(m, T):

    percentage = 0.5  # This might need adjustment

    v = velocity_at_percentage(m, T, percentage)

    return v/1.45036851   # Scaling factor, might need adjustment

def average_velocity_traditional(m, T):

    k = constants.Boltzmann

    v_mp = np.sqrt(2*k*T/m)  # Most probable velocity

    return quad(lambda v: v * maxwell_boltzmann(v, m, T), 0, 10*v_mp)[0]

# Mass of a hydrogen atom (in kg)

m = 1.6735575e-27

temperatures = [4, 400, 1000, 3000, 5000, 7000, 10000, 20000]

print("Temperature (K) | New Method Avg V | Traditional Avg V | Ratio (%)")


for T in temperatures:

    new_avg_v = average_velocity_new_method(m, T)

    trad_avg_v = average_velocity_traditional(m, T)

    ratio = (new_avg_v / trad_avg_v) * 100

    print(f"{T:14d} | {new_avg_v:15.6e} | {trad_avg_v:15.6e} | {ratio:10.6f}")


4.1 Computational Efficiency:

This method potentially reduces the computational complexity of many statistical calculations from O(n) to O(1), offering significant efficiency gains, especially for large-scale simulations or real-time applications. Once the distribution is collapsed to the 50% point you can access every property that is encoded in the distribution with scaling factors.  Including things like integrating the area under the curve.

4.2 Information Compression:

The ability to extract multiple properties from a single point suggests a novel form of information compression in probability distributions. This has implications for information theory and data compression techniques.

4.3 Theoretical Implications:

The existence of these scaling relationships hints at deeper mathematical structures within probability distributions. It suggests a more fundamental connection between local and global properties of distributions than previously recognized.

4.4 Quantum-Classical Analogies:

The method's ability to "collapse" distribution information to a single point draws interesting parallels with quantum wave function collapse, potentially offering new insights into the relationship between classical and quantum statistics.

4.5 Universal Applicability:

While demonstrated on Boltzmann and Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions, the method's success suggests it may be applicable to a wide range of continuous statistical distributions, potentially leading to a more unified approach to statistical physics.

4.6 Scaling factors.

These scaling factors seem to be able to do complex computer intensive calculations.  Even calculations that involve every point in the distribution. This seems to be in violation of everything we know about data processing.  

Future Directions:

5.1 Extend to Other Distributions: Investigate the applicability of this method to other common distributions in physics and beyond.

5.2 Theoretical Foundation: Develop a rigorous mathematical framework explaining why this method works and its limitations. The scaling factors seem to combine data about the distribution with processing and calculation.  Understanding how they work would be 

5.3 Practical Applications: Explore applications in fields such as thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and data science.

5.4 Computational Tools: Develop software libraries implementing this method for easy adoption by researchers and practitioners. A scaling factor library for various programming languages is important. 


This paper presents a novel method for extracting multiple properties of statistical distributions from a single point using simple scaling factors. These properties include complex calculations involving all the data in the distribution.

The method offers significant computational advantages and hints at deeper mathematical structures within probability distributions. Its implications span multiple fields, including statistical physics, information theory, and computational science. Further research is needed to fully explore the theoretical foundations and practical applications of this groundbreaking approach.

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