Thursday, September 19, 2024

Simple explanation of unifying gravity, mass, and strong force theory.

All motion is fundamentally relativistic, occurring within curved spacetime. 

A worldline is a direction and speed in 4D space time. There is no motion that isn't related to time. 

Acceleration results from photons transferring its worldline to the curved space around nucleons.  This increases curved space time.

Deceleration is acceleration that results in a reduction of curved space, releasing photons in the direction of motion.  This process is commonly referred to as Kinetic Energy.

Inertia arises from the resistance of this curved spacetime to changes in motion.  Inertia is mass in a gravity field.

Motion is just movement at a speed along the worldline. You move because this is now downhill for you in that direction in 4D space.

Mass, gravity, and the strong force are manifestations of extreme spacetime curvature at the atomic level. 

This unified framework explains both quantum and macroscopic phenomena through spacetime geometry, potentially bridging quantum mechanics, general relativity, and classic physics.

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