Monday, September 9, 2024

Quarks, Motion Vectors, and the Emergence of Mass, Inertia, and Energy in Curved Space-Time

Abstract: This paper presents a novel model of mass, inertia, and energy based on the interactions between quarks, gluons, and curved space-time. We propose that the three quarks in a proton or neutron encode information about the atom's motion in three-dimensional space, with each quark representing a vector that is orthogonal to the others. The sum of these vectors determines the atom's motion vector, with the lengthening of this vector requiring energy and the shortening of it releasing energy. This model offers a physical mechanism for mass, inertia, potential energy, and kinetic energy, and suggests a deep connection between particle physics and the structure of space-time. 

Quarks as Orthogonal Motion Vectors:

In our model, each of the three quarks in a proton or neutron encodes a vector in space-time that is orthogonal (at 90 degrees) to the other quark vectors.

The sum of these three orthogonal vectors determines the overall motion vector of the atom, which in turn determines its mass, inertia, potential energy, and kinetic energy.  The sum of all three cannot generate a vector that exceeds the speed of light. 

Gluon-Mediated Interactions and Energy Exchange:

When an atom moves through curved space-time, its motion is resisted by the structure of space-time itself, generating gluons that interact with the quarks in the atom's nucleus. These interactions cause the quark vectors to length to match the speed in space time, changing the overall motion vector of the atom. Lengthening the motion vector requires energy, which we perceive as mass and inertia, while shortening the vector releases energy, giving rise to potential and kinetic energy.

The Source of Potential and Kinetic Energy:

In this model, potential and kinetic energy arise from the interactions between quarks, gluons, and curved space-time. As an atom moves through space-time, its 3 motion vectors lengthen and shorten, exchanging energy with its environment. This energy exchange is responsible for the phenomenon we observe when an object rolls down a hill and then back up the other side, with potential energy being converted into kinetic energy and vice versa.

And a particle entering heavily curved space would be forced to shed quanta in order to not exceed the the speed of light in that space.  An example of this is the release of potential energy in Cherenkov radiation as particles enter denser medium.  A particle moving close to the speed of light would emit the same radiation near a black hole. 

Our model offers a comprehensive explanation for the phenomena of mass, inertia, potential energy, and kinetic energy, based on the interactions between quarks, gluons, and curved space-time. By proposing that quarks encode orthogonal motion vectors whose sum determines the atom's overall motion vector, we provide a physical mechanism for these phenomena that is deeply rooted in particle physics and the structure of space-time.

Summary: This model suggests that mass, inertia, and energy are emergent properties of the complex interplay between quarks, gluons, and the geometry of space-time. While experimental verification remains a challenge, this model opens up new avenues for exploring the connections between particle physics and general relativity, potentially leading to a deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe.


Quark-Gluon Plasma: A New State of Matter. (n.d.). Brookhaven National Laboratory. Retrieved from <>.

What is a Quark? - Definition & Properties. (n.d.). Retrieved from <>.

Quark Confinement. (n.d.). IOPSpark. Retrieved from <>.

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