Monday, September 16, 2024

Exploring implications of Using the Same Mechanisms for Rest and Relativistic Mass

Look at these idea for hours today and can't see any correspondence with the calculated speeds and  the actual estimated speed by an order of magnitude or two. Will come back to this later and see what I think then. 

Thinking that rest mass could still be the energy imparted to us at the big bang, but that when it was indexed into us space was so different that motion was in expanding space time, not motion.  So the apparent motion we have is our really just from space expanding, and it would still be directional. 

ok, ok, I see what Einstein was talking about now.  If this energy of the rest mass was indexed into us by the big bang and rest mass is expanding space then basically the 1.3 million miles an hour we are going is fixed, it is space expanding not speed.  There is no there to go back to behind us, we can’t decelerate from here.  So going in every direction from here is an acceleration.   But you can still decelerate to get back home.  Your frame of reference is fixed to the local frame.  There is no master frame, but we can still be fixed to our local frame.  But that doesn’t mean that all matter is expanding space at the same rate or can’t have variations in the their rest mass.  It’s just that matter would tend to separate out  into mass that shares the same expansion of space. 

In the early universe, spacetime was highly compact, and the worldlines of quanta moved space through quanta, rather than the other way around. Think of it like the worldlines being curled up in the compact space.  These high energy levels  were  "imprinted" on the nucleons that formed during the big bang, establishing a worldline or trajectory that expanded space in a direction.  This early accleration is the rest mass and expansion of space we see today.  This expansion of space is still present in current quanta as rest mass, even though the properties that enabled this movement have been greatly diminished as space expanded. So now quanta no longer has that property so you can't now decelerate expansion of space time. As space expanded quanta reduced this property and instead turned up a motion through 3d space time property that we see added today when we accelerate.  That is how the same worldline mechanism and quanta can be used for two intimately related concepts like rest mass and relativistic mass, motion thru space and moving space through atoms being explained by worldlines.

This article presents an implication for my main theory that unifies the concepts of rest mass and relativistic mass, explains the rapid expansion of the early universe, and offers an alternative explanation for galactic rotation curves.

Unified Origin of Rest Mass and Relativistic Mass

The theory proposes that both rest mass and relativistic mass arise from the same mechanism:   The binding force in every nucleon. The velocity imparted to particles during the Big Bang would have set an index rest mass that depends on the relativistic mass of particles. This initial acceleration, which we know is significant, and can't be precisely calculated without making assumptions we cannot know are correct or not,  created a curvature in spacetime that manifests as the rest mass of particles.   This theory would give the exact same conditions on earth that we current see but have implications that extend back to the Big Bang. 

Implications for Particle Physics

Rest mass is not an inherent property of matter but a consequence of cosmic motion.   This conflicts with the unproven assumption that rest mast is consistent for all mater in the universe.

The similarity between rest mass and relativistic mass is explained by their common origin.  This explains why particles with as much energy stored in their apparant rest mass don't take off at high speeds through space, they already are going at high speeds through space. 

Particle masses may vary depending on their velocity relative to the Big Bang's initial acceleration.  This just naturally falls out of the theory. 

Galactic Rotation Curves

The theory offers an explanation for the observed variations in galactic rotation speeds:

Galaxies rotating faster than expected could have higher velocities relative to their velocity in space time, resulting in greater spacetime curvature and apparent mass.

Galaxies rotating slower than expected have lower velocities, leading to less curvature and apparent mass.

This eliminates the need for dark matter to explain galactic rotation curves.  Difference in speeds could be because of 

Consistency with Observations

The theory is consistent with observed phenomena on Earth and in space, while offering new explanations for cosmic-scale observations without invoking additional concepts like dark matter or dark energy. In the frame of reference of earth every particle would be zipping through space at the same speed, with nucleons all having the apparently same rest mass. 

This theory is just saying, deceleration works exactly like acceleration, but it works in reverse, consistent with laws of conservation of energy. 

Implications for Life in the Universe

The theory suggests that life may be constrained to regions with similar velocities in space time, as significant changes in velocity could alter fundamental chemistry and protein folding.


This theory presents a unified and elegant approach to understanding mass, cosmic expansion, and galactic dynamics. It challenges existing paradigms while maintaining consistency with observed phenomena, offering a potentially groundbreaking new perspective on the fundamental nature of the universe.

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