Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Mass, Gravity, and Inertia: Emergent Properties of Curved Spacetime during the Big Bang


We propose a novel framework wherein mass, gravity, and inertia are emergent properties of curved spacetime, arising from the movement of spacetime through quanta in the early universe. According to this framework, rest mass originated from quanta's worldline motion through curved spacetime shortly after the Big Bang. This effect is imprinted onto nucleons, creating a permanent feature observed as rest mass. Relativistic mass and inertia are seen as extensions of this mechanism, emerging from interactions with spacetime curvature. This unified theory simplifies the understanding of these fundamental concepts by relating them to a single underlying mechanism: spacetime curvature.

1. Introduction

The traditional view separates mass, gravity, and inertia into distinct phenomena. However, our theory posits that these properties are not intrinsic to matter but rather emergent from the curvature of spacetime. Specifically, rest mass arises from a unique type of motion through curved spacetime established in the early universe, while relativistic mass and inertia are natural extensions of this interaction with curved spacetime.

2. Theoretical Framework

2.1. Rest Mass as Worldline Motion through Curved Spacetime

In the early universe, quanta moved through a highly curved spacetime along worldlines that effectively "moved space through the particle." This is also what fueled the rapid expansion of the early universe. This early form of accleration by absorbing quanta with the kind of worldline created regions of curvature within nucleons, which translated into what we observe as rest mass.   This mass is a permanent feature because the conditions that created this curvature are no longer present; quanta cannot revert to the initial conditions of the early universe. So we can't "decelerate" this early property and reduce expansion of space. Thus, rest mass is a geometric imprint of these early spacetime conditions.

2.2. Relativistic Mass and Inertia as Extensions of Spacetime Curvature

Relativistic mass and inertia arise from the same spacetime curvature mechanism. As an object moves, it distorts spacetime further, increasing its curvature and resistance to motion. This results in an increase in relativistic mass and inertia. The difficulty of moving through more curved spacetime reflects the object’s increasing inertia, aligning with observed relativistic effects. 

This is what we see as motion today.  Nucleons absorb these quanta with their worldlines having a motion along a strait line at a certain velocity.  This energy and direction is added to the existing worldline by the same mechanism that is storing the rest mass worldline and curve.  Existing quanta can not change rest mass because they no longer have that property, at lower energy levels it just moves the particle along a worldline. So the rest mass becomes a baseline of energy in an atom.

2.3. Gravity as Emergent from Spacetime Curvature

Gravity emerges from the cumulative effects of spacetime curvature around massive objects. On a local scale, nucleons' curvature is subtle, but on a larger scale, the combined curvature around massive objects generates observable gravitational effects. Gravity, in this framework, is not a separate force but a manifestation of the same curvature that gives rise to mass and inertia.

3.5. Expansion of Spacetime Through Particle Motion: Directionality and Perception

In our framework, the notion of "moving space through a particle" refers to the unique way in which quanta interacted with the highly curved spacetime of the early universe. This interaction effectively expanded spacetime in a manner that, while not directly observable as conventional motion, had profound effects on the nature of spacetime and the properties of matter.

3.5.1. Expansion Without Apparent Motion

In the early universe, quanta's worldlines moved through compact, highly curved spacetime. This movement did not manifest as conventional motion through space but rather as an expansion of the spacetime itself. The curvature of spacetime during this period was so intense that the effect of quanta "moving space" resulted in an expansion that was intrinsic to the geometry of spacetime rather than a relative motion of the particle through space.

This expansion is akin to an increase in the "volume" of spacetime associated with each particle, without the particle itself traversing through conventional space. But in 4D space. The effect is that the spacetime region associated with the particle effectively grows, leading to the manifestation of what we perceive as rest mass and the expansion of space time. The particle does not exhibit observable motion in the traditional sense; instead, the continual expanding region of spacetime around it defines its mass. 

3.5.2. Directionality of Expansion

Despite the lack of apparent motion, this expansion is directional. The directional nature of this expansion aligns with the intrinsic properties of the particle and the curvature of spacetime. This is what keeps driving everything apart from each other. In our framework, the direction of the expansion is linked to the particle's worldline trajectory through the early universe's curved spacetime. Although this is in effect a strait line, it may be through multiple additional dimension, making this motion hard to visualize.  This trajectory effectively determines how the particle’s interaction with spacetime shapes the expansion.

The same way quanta are absorbed by the curved space at the heart of a neuron today, the quanta then were absorbed accelerating the particle at faster "speeds" along a "vector".  But the vector then was expansion of spacetime through the particle.   It can't be decelerated now because quanta at the current lower energy level have a different worldline, motion through 4D space time. 

Just as motion through space can be directional (e.g., moving forward, backward, or sideways), the expansion of spacetime associated with rest mass is directional with respect to the curvature it induces. For instance, particles with different worldline orientations in the early universe would have imparted directional characteristics to the spacetime expansion around them. This directionality of spacetime expansion influences how particles interact with each other and with the surrounding spacetime, leading to observable properties such as mass and gravitational effects.

3.5.3. Connection to Conventional Motion

The expansion of spacetime through a particle can be seen as a form of motion that is intrinsically related to motion through space. Although this expansion does not manifest as conventional motion, it still reflects the same underlying principles of interaction with spacetime. Just as conventional motion affects the way a particle interacts with space, the expansion of spacetime around a particle affects its observable properties, such as rest mass.

In essence, while the expansion of spacetime is not motion through space in the traditional sense, it shares a conceptual similarity: both are forms of interaction with the spacetime fabric. The directionality of the expansion and its relation to the particle's worldline reflect an intimate connection between the two forms of interaction, providing a unified understanding of how rest mass and conventional motion are intertwined.

Conclusion of Section 3.5

The concept of moving space through a particle offers a novel perspective on how rest mass arises and how it relates to spacetime curvature. This expansion of spacetime, while not appearing as traditional motion, is directional and intimately related to motion through space. By understanding this expansion as a form of motion, we can better grasp how mass and inertia are emergent properties of the same underlying mechanism: the interaction of particles with curved spacetime.

4. Implications for Early Universe Physics

This model suggests that the properties of mass, gravity, and inertia are deeply connected to the curvature of spacetime established in the early universe. The unique worldline effect of quanta moving through early spacetime shaped the fundamental characteristics we observe today. This perspective provides a unified view of fundamental physics, integrating concepts of mass, inertia, and gravity into a single framework.

5. Conclusion

Our framework proposes that mass, gravity, and inertia are emergent properties of curved spacetime, arising from the early universe’s conditions. By connecting rest mass, relativistic mass, and inertia to the same geometric principle of spacetime curvature, we offer a simplified and coherent theory. This approach aligns with the principle of Occam's Razor by providing a unified explanation for these clearly related fundamental concepts through a single mechanism: spacetime curvature.

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