Friday, August 16, 2024

Writing the first object of DataObj. It will be a simple file read. Next is an echo.

So it will have taken me 20 years to write a really complicated version of "cat."

Working on my loading objects into my dataobj program.  So far the program has been sitting frozen like this for over 14 years. But now I want to finish it, or at least get it into a state where someone else would want to fork my repository and continue the work. 

Right now I just have the part that is registering and unregistering the object on library load by calling back into the program.  I need to create the class data structures and callbacks or a message dispatching mechanism inside each class.  I need to tie the class back into a class structure and handle class level messages. I also need to create instance data and tie that to the class data so everything can be cleanly unloaded.  All of these data structures will be unique to each class and instance of that class.

The first one will be hardest because I also have to create the code in the main program to properly create instances, wire up those instances, and transport messages between inputs and outputs.  Plus I have no clue what I am doing right now.  One cool thing is that by using node as the data transport mechanism we can create large data structures that pass by reference and get returned in a single call.

Once this first object is done and working, then creating new objects becomes cookie cutter fast. The first objects I want to create are just simple objects that load and save using files, that can echo to standard out.

Chat gpt helped me out by creating a first cut of the program. 

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