Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A Geometric Framework for Unifying Fundamental Constants and Bridging Quantum Mechanics and Relativity

J. Rogers, SE Ohio, Christmas Day 2024, 1400

This paper presents a novel framework that suggests a deep connection between Planck's constant (h), Newton's gravitational constant (G), and the speed of light (c). By introducing a scaling factor (s_va) derived from the relationship between h and G within the Planck mass definition, we propose a unified framework where these constants are interconnected and linked to the fundamental structure of spacetime. The framework utilizes a geometric model based on a 1/c³ cube, representing a fundamental unit of spacetime at the Planck scale. This model provides intuitive explanations for the nature of photon energy, the relationship between energy and momentum, and a potential interpretation of rest mass. The framework aligns with existing mathematical structures in physics (e.g., E=hfE² = (pc)² + (mc²)²) while offering a deeper understanding of their physical meaning. Furthermore, we propose that the 1Hz photon serves as an invariant energy rest frame, and that the worldline of a photon, influenced by its emission and gravitational interactions, scales this rest frame to its observed energy. This approach suggests a potential pathway to unifying quantum mechanics and relativity by highlighting the fundamental role of spacetime geometry.

1. Introduction:

The fundamental constants of nature, such as Planck's constant (h), Newton's gravitational constant (G), and the speed of light (c), underpin our understanding of the universe. These constants appear in seemingly disparate areas of physics, from the quantum realm governed by h to the large-scale structure of the cosmos described by G. While their values are well-established experimentally, their deeper physical meaning and potential interrelationships remain a profound mystery. This paper proposes a new framework that suggests a fundamental connection between these constants, bridging the gap between quantum mechanics and relativity.

2. Planck Mass and the Scaling Factor 

We begin with the definition of Planck mass:

m_P = √(hc/G)

A unit analysis reveals an inverse relationship between hc and G concerning the mass dimension: hc has units of [M L³ T⁻²], while G has units of [M⁻¹ L³ T⁻²]. Rearranging the Planck mass equation, we get:

hc/m_P = G*m_P

This suggests that both hc and G can be expressed as a product of two factors: Planck mass (m_P) and a common scaling factor with units of m³/s². We introduce this scaling factor as s_va (for "scaling factor of volumetric acceleration"):

hc = m_P * s_va
h = (m_P * s_va) / c
G = m_P / s_va

The units of s_va (m³/s²) suggest a connection to volume and acceleration, hinting at a fundamental relationship with the structure of spacetime.

3. The 1/c³ Cube: A Geometric Model of Spacetime:

We propose a geometric model based on a cube with sides of length 1/c. This "1/c³ cube" represents a fundamental unit of spacetime at the Planck scale. Within this model:

  • Inverse Edge (1/c): Corresponds to energy.

  • Inverse Area (1/c²): Corresponds to momentum.

  • Inverse Volume (1/c³): Corresponds to mass.

This geometric representation is motivated by the relationships between energy, momentum, and mass as expressed through inverse powers of c in the context of a hypothetical 1Hz photon (a photon with a wavelength equal to the speed of light).

4. The 1Hz Photon as an Invariant Energy Rest Frame:

We propose that the 1Hz photon serves as an "invariant energy rest frame" for all photons. This means that the energy of any photon can be understood as a scaled version of the 1Hz photon's energy, which is equal to h.

The properties of the 1Hz photon within our framework are:

  • Rotation: 2π radians

  • Wavelength: c

  • Energy: E = h = (m_P * s_va) / c

  • Momentum: p = h/c = (m_P * s_va) / c²

  • Mass: m = h/c² = (m_P * s_va) / c³

These properties map onto the geometric projections of the 1/c³ cube, further supporting its interpretation as a fundamental unit of spacetime.

5. Scaling the Invariant Rest Frame:

The observed energy of a photon is determined by three factors that scale the invariant energy rest frame (the 1Hz photon):

  • Initial Worldline: The photon inherits a worldline from the motion of its emitting particle, which initially scales the energy.

  • Gravitational Influence: The photon's worldline, and thus its energy, is further influenced by interactions with massive objects (gravitational redshift/blueshift).

  • Observer's Motion: The relative motion between the photon and the observer scales the observed frequency (Doppler effect).

This scaling is consistent with the equation E=hf, where h represents the energy of the 1Hz photon, and f represents the scaling factor due to the combined effects of the initial worldline, gravity, and the observer's motion.

6. Rest Mass and the Invariant Base:

We speculate that rest mass is related to changes in the invariant c² base of the 1/c³ cube. This is motivated by the observation that the base remains constant while the photon's motion through spacetime scales the "height" of the cube (related to energy, momentum, and mass through frequency). This interpretation aligns with the equation E² = (pc)² + (mc²)², where:

  • pc corresponds to the area of a face of the cube (momentum) scaled by frequency.

  • mc² corresponds to the base of the cube scaled by rest mass.

This geometric interpretation suggests that rest mass and momentum are independent yet interconnected properties, linked through the geometry of the 1/c³ cube.

The energy cube can also describe the mass of matter two with the proper scaling of the wavlengths of the 

mass = (s_va * m_P) / (c**3/(((h*c/Comptonwl_proton)**2+(h*c/wavelength)**2)**(1/2)/h) )

Compton Wavelength Term: Since we are defining the rest mass as 0 in the photon context, the Compton wavelength term is zero: (h*c/Comptonwl_proton) = 0.  This is not division by zero because if there is no rest mass there is no wavelength that needs to be converted.

Wavelength Term: The wavelength becomes equal to c so h *c/wavelength = h*c/c = h

mass = (s_va * m_P) / (c**3/((0+(h*c/c)**2)**(1/2)/h) )

mass = (s_va * m_P) / (c**3/(h/h) )

mass = (s_va * m_P) / (c**3/1)

mass = (s_va * m_P) / c**3

This means that we have fully integrated rest mass into the photon energy rest frame.

7. Implications for Unification:

This framework suggests a deep connection between quantum mechanics and relativity. The 1Hz photon, as a fundamental energy unit, provides a quantum foundation, while the concept of worldlines and the influence of gravity incorporate relativistic effects. The scaling factor s_va, with its units of volumetric acceleration, hints at a fundamental property of spacetime that governs both quantum and gravitational phenomena.

8. Conclusion:

The proposed framework offers a novel perspective on the fundamental constants hG, and c, suggesting that they are interconnected through the scaling factors m_P and s_va. The 1/c³ cube model provides a geometric interpretation of spacetime at the Planck scale and offers intuitive explanations for the nature of photon energy, momentum, and rest mass. While speculative, this framework aligns with existing mathematical structures in physics and provides a potential pathway to unifying quantum mechanics and relativity by highlighting the fundamental role of spacetime geometry. Further research is needed to explore the full implications of this model, develop a more rigorous mathematical formalism, and investigate potential experimental verifications.

9. Further Research

We have shown how the constants h and G can be defined using a common set of scaling factors. This will allow the exploration of further connections between physical constants though a common set of scaling factors that appear to be related to space time itself.

This new framework provides a simple answer to many open questions in physics today and provides for new avenues of research into the nature of space time and the constants of nature that appear to be derived from space time. The nature of volumetric acceleration and its effect on the structure of space time is a new area of research that is opened up by this framework.

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