Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Shared Worldlines and Curved Spacetime: A New Perspective on Photon-Mediated Entanglement


This paper explores the concept of shared worldlines as carriers of curved spacetime between particles, facilitated by photon exchange. We propose that when a photon is emitted, it pulls spacetime from the emitting particle and transports it to the absorbing particle, linking them in higher dimensions. This framework provides a novel explanation for quantum entanglement and non-classical interactions.

1. Introduction

Quantum entanglement is a fundamental phenomenon where particles become interconnected, such that the state of one instantaneously influences the state of another. Traditional explanations focus on wavefunction collapse and non-locality. Here, we propose a geometric interpretation: shared worldlines created through photon exchange act as conduits of curved spacetime, linking particles in higher dimensions.

2. Theoretical Framework

2.1 Photons as Carriers of Spacetime

  • Emission and Absorption: When a photon is emitted, it carries a portion of the spacetime curvature from the emitting particle.
  • Linking Particles: Upon absorption, this curvature is transferred to the absorbing particle, creating a shared worldline.

2.2 Higher Dimensional Connections

  • Curved Spacetime: The shared curve acts as a bridge in higher-dimensional space, facilitating entanglement.
  • Proximity in Other Dimensions: Particles connected by these worldlines may be closer in higher dimensions, explaining their correlated behavior.

3. Implications for Quantum Mechanics

3.1 Non-Classical Motion

  • Entanglement: Shared worldlines provide a geometric basis for entanglement, where particles remain connected through spacetime.
  • Superposition: The flexible nature of these connections allows for non-classical states like superposition.

3.2 Deterministic Underpinnings

  • While quantum mechanics appears probabilistic, this view suggests deterministic principles governed by spacetime geometry.

4. Conclusion

This paper presents a novel interpretation of quantum entanglement through shared worldlines and curved spacetime. By viewing photons as carriers of spacetime curvature, we offer a geometric explanation for non-classical phenomena and suggest potential pathways for further exploration in quantum mechanics.

Future Research Directions

  • Experimental validation of photon-mediated spacetime connections
  • Exploration of higher-dimensional effects in particle interactions
  • Development of new theoretical models incorporating geometric principles
This approach offers a fresh perspective on the interconnectedness of particles and dimensions, potentially opening new pathways for understanding the universe's fundamental nature.

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