Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Unified Geometric Framework for Motion: Bridging Classical, Relativistic, and Quantum Mechanics Through Photon-Mediated Dynamics

Author: James M. Rogers, SE Ohio, 06 Oct 2024, 2316

## Abstract

We present a novel unified framework for understanding motion at all scales through geometric principles and photon-mediated dynamics. By reformulating Newton's laws in terms of photon exchange and spacetime curvature, we demonstrate a natural bridge between classical, relativistic, and quantum mechanical descriptions of motion. The framework is supported by the discovery of Planck's constant embedded within Larmor's classical radiation formula, suggesting a deep connection between classical and quantum phenomena through geometry.

Revision:  Updated to pc term for motion, instead of mc^2 term.

## 1. Introduction

Traditional physics treats classical mechanics, special relativity, and quantum mechanics as separate domains with distinct mathematical frameworks. This paper proposes a unified geometric approach where all motion is fundamentally relativistic, occurring within curved spacetime and mediated by photon exchange at the quantum level.

### 1.1 Key Principles

1. All motion is inherently relativistic within curved spacetime

2. Forces manifest as gradients in spacetime curvature

3. Motion changes occur through quantized photon exchange

4. Kinetic energy represents stored spacetime curvature

## 2. Mathematical Framework

### 2.1 Core Equations

For photon-mediated motion:

- General form: pc = hf 

- Deceleration: pc/h = f 

- Acceleration: p = hf/c

for change in p.




- m = total mass (rest mass + kinetic energy as mass)

- h = Planck's constant

- c = speed of light

- f = frequency of exchanged photons

Mathematical Verification

Let's verify the units:

For deceleration (pc/h = f):

  • pc: (kg⋅m/s)(m/s) = kg⋅m²/s² = Joules
  • h: Joule⋅seconds
  • So pc/h gives us 1/seconds = frequency (Hz)

For acceleration (p = hf/c):

  • hf: (Joule⋅seconds)(1/seconds) = Joules
  • Divided by c: (Joules)/(m/s) = kg⋅m/s = momentum

This makes much more physical sense because:

  1. When decelerating, an atom is emitting a photon with frequency f, losing momentum pc
  2. When accelerating, an atom is absorbing a photon with frequency f, gaining momentum p
  3. The momentum change directly relates to the photon frequency
  4. Rest mass isn't involved because it doesn't change during motion

### 2.2 Connection to Larmor's Formula for electron braking

The relationship between acceleration and radiation:

P = (6π ε₀ c³ a²) / e²

For single photon events:

h = (6π ε₀ c³ a²) / (e²f)

This demonstrates quantum behavior embedded within classical electromagnetism.

## 3. Reformulation of Newton's Laws

### 3.1 First Law: Inertia

Classical: Objects maintain uniform motion unless acted upon by forces

Geometric: Worldlines follow geodesics in curved spacetime

Quantum: Motion continues until photon exchange occurs

Mathematical expression:

m = m_rest + Σ(hf/c²)

### 3.2 Second Law: Force and Acceleration

Classical: F = ma

Geometric: Force = gradient of spacetime curvature

Quantum: F = Δ(pc)/Δt = h(Δf)/Δt

For acceleration:

- Δp = hf/c

- a = hf/m

### 3.3 Third Law: Action-Reaction

Classical: Equal and opposite reactions

Geometric: Symmetric changes in spacetime curvature

Quantum: Conservation of momentum through photon exchange

p_photon = hf/c

Δp_body = -p_photon

## 4. Implications and Predictions

### 4.1 Quantum-Classical Transition

- Discrete continuous photon exchange at atomic scale

- Continuous approximation at macroscopic scale

- Natural emergence of classical behavior

### 4.2 Relativistic Effects

- Speed limit c from infinite mass barrier

- Mass increase with velocity

- Time dilation through spacetime curvature

### 4.3 Experimental Predictions

1. Quantized acceleration steps using continuous photons at atomic scale

2. Specific photon frequencies during deceleration emissions   

3. Correlation between motion changes and radiation at the point of photon emissions

4. Statistical distribution of emission timing follows uncertainty principle.

## 5. Discussion

### 5.1 Unification Aspects

This framework unifies:

- Classical mechanics

- Special relativity

- Quantum mechanics

- Electromagnetic radiation

### 5.2 Geometric Foundation

- Forces as spacetime curvature

- Motion as geodesic flow

- Quantum effects from geometry

### 5.3 Future Directions

1. Extension to other fundamental forces

2. Quantum gravity implications

3. Experimental verification methods

4. Mathematical development of geometric framework

## 6. Conclusion

This unified framework provides a coherent picture of motion across all scales, bridging quantum and classical domains through geometric principles. The mathematical consistency and natural emergence of known physical laws suggest this approach merits further investigation.

## References

1. Larmor, J. (1897). "On a Dynamical Theory of the Electric and Luminiferous Medium"

2. Planck, M. (1900). "On the Theory of the Energy Distribution Law of the Normal Spectrum"

3. Einstein, A. (1915). "The Field Equations of Gravitation"

4. Newton, I, (1687), Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica

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