Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The power of hope. The despair of nightmares.

Sorry to get serious. I have seen so may horrible things on the news this year. And I have been thinking about why someone would do what so many people are doing. As much as I am able I have tried to put myself into their place. To try to think and believe as they do. It came to me last week what is happening. I have come to believe that a lot of the bad things in the world happen because people turn away from hope and embrace their despair. So my advice to to seek out people and situations that allow you to turn towards hope and light and avoid people and situations that turn you away from the light, towards despair and darkness.

If it was that easy then the world would be a much better place. But there are those that seek to use others by taking away their hope. And these groups are built deeply into society. There are groups who seek to increase their own power by locking you into darkness. Their shadows are wide and long.

One of the biggest warning signs is an individual or group telling you about "the one true way" to think and believe. And that only the individuals in this special group are going to be "saved." This is the main technique that cults use to lock their followers into the group and to expel members that reject these abusive teachings. The member that was rejected is now an outsider, so we shouldn't believe anything they say. You can see these cult techniques used by some religions and some political groups.

Another danger sign is someone or a group that tries to tell you who to fear. Who your enemies are. Fear is the handmaiden of despair and can also lock you into that group or to that person. They tell you who you can associate with or who your enemies are. Don't believe them. 99% of all folks are awesome, loving, kind, and caring. Really, we should fear every individual in another group, all million, or billion of these other humans are evil and wrong? Seriously? That is just insane.

And if you ever feel like harming our fellow humans just because they are members of another group, seek medical help, because you are going to cross a line and become the very evil you fear. This is something that only crazy people do. You will be seen as a lunatic and all your friends and family will say, "Wow, we never expected them to go bat shit crazy. They were always so quiet. Never gave anyone any trouble." In case you didn't know, harming others is wrong. Don't hurt other people. Killing other people is wrong. Don't kill other people. You aren't a hero. You aren't saving anyone. You are just wrong.

Run, do not walk, away from these people and groups. Look for folks that are positive and want you to be happy. Look for people and situations that make you feel happy and who want you to grow as a person. Look for kind, caring, loving people that don't hate or fear anyone else. Look for people and situations that let you look at the world in a positive light. It is cliché, but if you treat others as you want yourself and your loved ones to be treated, then the world becomes a better place.

Seek the light, not darkness. Seek the positive, not the negative. Seek the dream, not the nightmare. There is hope, but only if you choose hope.

If this writing can help even one other person, then I will be happy.

I full expect to be attacked by those who are trapped in the cycle of darkness. Just so you know ahead of time, I forgive you, and love you as a fellow human being.

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