Monday, April 3, 2023

A discussion about what ai image generation needs to be really useful. How to have ai generate text prompts from a story to input to an image generator.


I like those two you did, that's awesome haha


thanks! I am looking at how to create a text prompt my looking at examples.  It is almost like a magic incantation. LOL


I found some negative prompts to not have detached deformed  limbs and extra fingers strewn around the picture. L


I think it is funny that you have to specifically tell it not to do that.


Haha yeah. I want to try asking ChatGPT to generate prompts for me


I wonder if you have a picture described as a prompt with a specific seed if that could be considered a form of compression. L

oh, that could be cool.  Given this story, generate a series of prompts to feed into a specific ai image generator to illustrate the story.   Or to generate the panels for a comic book, putting in the text bubbles with the dialog.

It would be really cool it you could use the description of a character to create a consistent character across panels.

like a #define Harry_Potter <text prompt character description>


Can you imagine downloading a comic book  from online as a 100k text file and it is generated  just in time as you turn the page.


Woh that is an awesome idea. I know with Midjourney you can provide the seed (1-1000) so that it generates the same image every time

All of this is going to be come reality in the next 10 years or so as people figure out how to get AI to do things like this.

Imagine giving an AI a prompt for a story and it churns out a 300 page illustrated novel. "Like lord of the Rings but more battles and give it an unexpected twist ending"

Then a hardback gold foil "collectors edition" book shows up on your doorstep the next morning.

Hooking AI text and image models with KDP book printing and Amazon same day delivery.

Oh, and alsp make this one into a movie please.

Lol, the future is going to be wild.



I asked ChatGPT to give me a story, I fed each paragraph into Midjourney, and then I put it together in photoshop


Somehow the input into each image needs to be all the previous images so that the characters are the same.

There definitely needs to be some logic that says, "this character" in "this scene"

I also can't get chat gpt to output real stories. It's always just "once upon a time" summaries if stories.


Explicitly asking for character names and dialog helped though

An AI based “comic book maker” that takes prompts, writes a story, generates images into predesignated comic book panels, needs to exist

$$$ right there haha


In time I'm sure that they will nail these edge cases down. Hands, weapons, fingers especially need work.

Just need more specialized training data

The fact that it does the big things super good, like "mood" "feeling" "emotion" but that it struggles on specific details is the opposite of what I would have expected.

But also a sign that there is no fundamental limit with the current architecture. If it can figure out the difference between a "somber" picture and a "epic" picture, then they will solve the 6 fingered hands lol


I actually get better results just by giving it more general  prompts  turning up the creativityand then having it create 40 images overnight.


Ah okay thats a good point. What matters is that there's one good images, doesn't matter too much even if 39 of the 40 are bad, as long as you get the one great one.

That only matters if you are the human spending your own time painting all those images haha


I think if they create a poser model and then pose that in a scene with human anatomical limits and use that as a seed for the rest of the image that would help.

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