Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The plan to implement embedded workflows in my dynamic agent workflow system.

This is all done just a day later.  It was easy to implement when everything is thought out ahead of time. 

What is funny is that we are only touching one function and adding about 10 lines of code to implement this feature. This feature is needed because I plan on reimplementing api agents as workflows of proc agents. In order to replicate existing functionality we will need to be able to use those new workflows as agents in a higher level workflow.  The way this system is self similar at different levels is amazing. It is letting features just fall out. 
Title: Nested Workflow Implementation Summary

  1. Core Concept:
    • Implement nested workflows within the existing agent system
    • Use recursion in exec_agent to handle nested workflows
  2. Key Components:
    • Single output, multiple inputs for each workflow
    • Input mapping from CLI args and results of previous steps
    • Depth management to prevent excessive nesting
  3. Implementation Details:
    • Modify exec_agent function:
      • Add parameters: results, depth, max_depth
      • Implement depth check and increment
    • Results handling:
      • Pass only mapped results to nested workflows
      • Maintain result privacy within each workflow level
    • Error handling and propagation through nested levels
    • Update workflow checker (future project)
  4. Existing Structure Advantages:
    • Single return value already fits nested workflow model
    • Current parameter passing (cli_args, agent, config) remains valid
  5. Configuration Updates:
    • Clear specification of input mappings for nested workflows
    • Potential new syntax for representing nested structures
  6. Considerations and Enhancements:
    • Standalone workflow testing encouragement
    • Circular reference prevention
    • Potential for result caching
    • Visualization tools for complex nested structures
    • Dynamic max_depth settings
    • Monitoring and metrics for optimization
  7. Next Steps:
    • Implement workflow agent handling alongside proc and API agents
    • Develop clear documentation for nested workflow usage
    • Plan for future workflow checker updates
  8. Potential Challenges:
    • Testing complex nested structures
    • Ensuring clear, understandable configurations
    • Balancing power and complexity for users

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