Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Rationale for a Progressive Approach to User Moderation: Temporary Bans, Training, and Counseling


In managing online communities, platforms must balance the need for enforcing rules and maintaining a safe environment with providing opportunities for users to learn from their mistakes and grow. A progressive approach to user moderation that incorporates temporary bans, training, and counseling can achieve this balance by addressing harmful behavior while promoting positive change.

Temporary Bans:

Temporary bans are a useful tool for addressing minor policy violations or first-time offenses. By temporarily limiting a user's access to the platform, moderators can demonstrate the consequences of harmful behavior while also providing an opportunity for the user to reflect on their actions and consider how they might make amends. Temporary bans can also help to prevent further harm to the community by removing problematic users from the platform for a short period of time.  Basically just giving that person a time out. 


It is important for someone to know why they are banned and to complete online training to help them better understand the platform's policies and expectations for behavior. This training can include educational materials on topics such as respect, empathy, and responsible digital citizenship, as well as quizzes or assessments to measure the user's understanding and progress. By providing users with the knowledge and skills they need to engage in positive and productive interactions online, platforms can promote a more supportive and inclusive community.


In cases where users continue to violate policies or engage in harmful behavior despite initial interventions, platforms can escalate their response by imposing longer bans or requiring more intensive training. This approach helps to ensure that users who are struggling to make positive changes are held accountable for their actions while also receiving additional support and guidance.


For users who do not respond to the temp bans and training we can require more human personalized support, platforms can provide counseling services to help them explore the root causes of their harmful behavior and develop strategies for making positive changes. By working one-on-one with a trained counselor, users can gain a deeper understanding of their own thoughts and emotions, as well as the impact of their behavior on others. Counseling can also provide users with a safe and supportive space to process any underlying emotions or experiences that may be contributing to their harmful behavior. These counselors could hand off users to local mental health counselors. 

Permission would be given to these sessions by telling people that they cannot get back online unless they called a phone number, gave an access code, and agreed verbally to the session.  Only by completing a one on one session with this councilor could they be be allowed to participate in the online community. 


A progressive approach to user moderation that incorporates temporary bans, training, and counseling can help platforms to address harmful behavior in a way that prioritizes learning and growth over punishment. By providing users with opportunities to reflect on their actions and make positive changes, platforms can build a more inclusive and supportive online community that values respect, empathy, and responsible digital citizenship.

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