Wednesday, August 2, 2023

AI Is changing fast.

 Just the last couple weeks several huge open source releases of chat and image generation AI happened,  ARM IPO is blowing up based on their future role in AI, AMD chips that support AI were released,  and Nvidia announced the release of a ground breaking release of a new image generation technology called Perfusion.  

It is an exciting time to be alive.  It is almost a full time job to try to just skim the headlines. 

This week I finally wrote my own little neural net to recognize the hand written characters of the MNIST data set.  I followed a tutorial for python that only used the matrix library numpy and coded up a 2 layer neural net.  I watched a few other videos as well.  Planning on picking up a copy of Neural Nets from Scratch, it looks like a great book.  

My plan this week is to build a tiny c library to implement a neural net object.  Combined with a few other small c libraries that implement ai, and running all the different tasks cooperatively, at the same time, this kind of tech could be ground breaking.   If a small, inexpensive arm chip was created that had dedicated ai acceleration built in and a library like this supported that chip then that could be an amazing reference system that could change the world.

A small library that implemented general neural nets, generate stories, speak, can turn speech into text, and has a layer to manage all that could revolutionize drones, robotics, toys, security systems ( with a visual ai), and just about any technology we use today.  A door bell or answering machine could call screen for you.  Imagine a thermostat that actually was intelligent. 

I think Christmas in 2 years is going to see a toy that isn't powered by AI is going to be a toy that no kid wants.  There won't be an alarm clock, door bell, weather station, thermostat or other small consumer good that isn't intelligent.  

A year after that every medical device is going to be smart.  A blood pressure cuff that knows more about reading blood pressure than any human is a game changer.  

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