Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Stable diffusion is now running on my old intel macbook.

 The training wheels are off! 

I finally got stable diffusion working on my intel macbook and the results are pretty amazing. It really is the cutting edge of ai image generation.  I am able to use lora and embeddings now and they really give you a lot more control over what you are creating.  I now get a 1024x1024 resolution image that is looking like a photo. It takes a little more time per image, but the stable diffusion I was lucky to get one file out of 10 that was usable.  Now about half are ready to go as is and the other half could be ready with an inpaint session and some gimp editing.

I am amazed at the number of options that I didn't have with previous ai image creations. I never knew that there were so many options to create the random noise between each step. And there are just as many ways to resize, including ai resizers that actually create details that didn't exist at 512x512 when it gives you a file at 1024x1024. It looks like a photo.  Once I figure out how to use control net and some other things to position the characters on the image I will really be cooking with gas.

And the plugins that let you control how your tokens work together is amazing, a real game changer.  I read the github page that said how it worked and I didn't understand it at all. *L* Not to mention a plugin that lets you queue up jobs so that you can train on some images and then use that model to create images all overnight. Or lets you queue up a dozen jobs that run over night so you can try out a bunch of new prompts.  Just amazing, and there are so many options that if I just talked about a couple of extensions a week it would take years to mention them all. Amazing what a community they have built around this and how much people are giving back. 

I haven't been this excited about software in a couple of decades. 

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