Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Generate forever in stable diffusion

 Now this is a curio shop I'd want to patronize. 

Using stable diffusions generate forever mode which lets you see the image that was generated and make changes and the changes are used in the next image generated.


 Mom's pepper plant is an overachiever.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Explain the matrix in terms of the hero's journey

The matrix can be seen as a representation of the hero's journey, a common narrative structure in many myths and stories. In this structure, the hero embarks on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.

In the matrix, the hero's journey can be broken down into the following stages:

The Call to Adventure: Thomas Anderson, better known as Neo, is rescued by Morpheus from his mundane life and introduced to the real world, which he soon learns is a simulated reality called the Matrix. This is his call to adventure, as he is presented with the opportunity to leave his old life behind and embark on a journey of discovery.

Refusal of the Call: At first, Neo is hesitant to believe Morpheus and accept the truth about the Matrix. He struggles with the idea that his entire reality could be a lie and is initially unwilling to take on the challenge of freeing humanity from its virtual prison.

Meeting the Mentor: Morpheus becomes Neo's mentor, guiding him through the realities of the Matrix and teaching him how to use his latent abilities. He serves as a wise and experienced guide, helping Neo navigate the challenges he will face.

Crossing the Threshold: As Neo becomes more involved in the fight against the Matrix, he begins to cross the threshold into a world of danger and uncertainty. He is forced to confront the harsh realities of the situation and the true extent of the power held by the Matrix and its creators.

Tests, Allies, and Enemies: Throughout the film, Neo faces a series of tests and challenges that help to develop his skills and abilities. He gains allies such as Trinity and Morpheus, who support and encourage him on his journey, while also facing enemies like Agent Smith, who represents the forces of oppression and control.

Approach to the Inmost Cave: As Neo becomes more confident in his abilities, he begins to take more risks and confront the Matrix in more direct ways. He delves deeper into the heart of the Matrix, facing increasingly difficult challenges and confronting his own inner demons in the process.

Ordeal: The climactic battle between Neo and Agent Smith represents the ultimate test of Neo's abilities and his commitment to the cause. It is a fierce and intense struggle that pushes Neo to his limits, both physically and mentally.

Reward: After successfully defeating Agent Smith, Neo is hailed as a hero and is given the power to control the Matrix. He has proven himself as a capable and worthy leader, and is rewarded with the ability to help free humanity from its virtual prison.

The Road Back: With his mission accomplished, Neo must now find a way to bring an end to the Matrix and free humanity once and for all. He embarks on a new journey, this time with a greater sense of purpose and determination, as he works to bring about the downfall of the Matrix and restore the true world.

Resurrection: In the final battle, Neo sacrifices himself to save Trinity and the rest of humanity, but is later resurrected by the Matrix. This represents a symbolic death and rebirth, as Neo emerges from the Matrix stronger and more powerful than before.

Return with the Elixir: Having defeated the Matrix and saved humanity, Neo returns to the real world as a hero and a symbol

The 21st century, looking back...

The history of space colonization can be traced back to the late 20th and early 21st centuries, when several influential families from different countries and backgrounds played a key role in advancing the exploration and settlement of outer space. These families were motivated by various factors, such as scientific curiosity, economic opportunity, environmental concern, political ambition, or personal vision. Some of them were pioneers of commercial space travel, such as the Musk family of SpaceX, the Branson family of Virgin Galactic, and the Bezos family of Blue Origin. Some of them were leaders of national space programs, such as the Zhang family of China, the Mishra family of India, and the Rogozin family of Russia. Some of them were founders of private space organizations, such as the Tito family of Inspiration Mars Foundation, the Bigelow family of Bigelow Aerospace, and the Diamandis family of X Prize Foundation. Some of them were advocates of space colonization, such as the O’Neill family of Space Studies Institute, the Zubrin family of Mars Society, and the Hawking family of Breakthrough Starshot.

These families contributed to various aspects of space colonization, such as developing reusable launch vehicles, establishing orbital habitats, landing rovers on Mars, sending probes to other planets and stars, mining asteroids and lunar resources, growing food in space, and creating artificial gravity and atmosphere. They also faced various challenges and risks, such as technical difficulties, financial costs, legal disputes, ethical dilemmas, social conflicts, and environmental impacts.

Many of these families also married into either Himalayan or Peruvian populations because of their high altitude adaptations that gave them an advantage in living and working in low-pressure and low-oxygen environments. These adaptations included increased lung capacity, higher hemoglobin levels, lower heart rates, and greater resistance to hypoxia and cold. These traits were inherited by their offspring, who became the first generation of true space colonists.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Monday, June 19, 2023

How I am creating print ready images using stable diffusion.

 First of all I run at least a dozen images at 512x768 using Euler diffusion model at 12 steps.  When I find a couple images I like I use those seeds as the seed value and extra seed value set at 0.1 or 0.2.  I switch to a DPM++ 2M Karras diffusion model at 28 steps and run at least 4 images. Then I take the best one of these, upscale it 2 times in the extra section using the R-ESRGAN 4x++ upscaler, send it to image to image section. Here I set 27 steps and switch back to Euler, for some reason it just does have those steps.  This adds in all the detail back at the 1024x1536 resolution.  Then I upscale it again by 4 this time which gives me a highly detailed 3000x6000 image.

You can see the steps in the image below. 

These are not photos

These are print ready ai images that take about 3 hours each image on my old intel macbook air. 


Saturday, June 10, 2023

Consistant AI Image generation

 Starting to get very consistent results in my AI art. The key is to not change your viewpoint during the prompt. If you give the AI two or more ways to look at what you are describing, it will try to incorporate every view into the drawing, and it will look bad.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Got automatic1111 dialed in.

 Using the RPGv4 model on automatic1111, a stable diffusion based ai image generator, on an old intel macbook air and going through all the examples in the manual.   9 images in each of these grids take all night to generate.

AI upscaling is like magic

 The ai upscale model in stable diffusion is like magic. R-ESRGAN 4x+ is what I used.  This is an example I downloaded to show it in action.  The original image is in the upper corner.   Weird, it got rotated on this web site.