This analysis compared different pairs of scaling factors, the first is the current 1 to 1 for mass and length, the rest set plank mass to 1 by scaling the kg, the length is scaled in various ways to show different properties of different unit definitions in relation to h, hc, and G
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
# Set desired precision
getcontext().prec = 100
c = Decimal("299792458.0") # m/s
s_length = Decimal("3.64117228161056598231271787236294544974398351386797e-18") # m
s_mass = Decimal("5.45551186133462083261573179563841219265538485514282e-8") # kg
TheRatio = Decimal('461.21254569389063683978884488408814064606075586467') #ratio
# this is the ratio of our length scaling to the speed of light. If you scale the speed of light and put it into the formula it will tell you the scaling of the new speed of light from our formula. to set scaling for length to 1 in h and G , speed of light is this many meters.
# what is this telling us.
def calculate_and_print_results_new(value_pairs, c_old, s_mass_old, s_length_old, TheRatio_old):
for pair in value_pairs:
m_scaling, l_scaling = map(Decimal, pair) # Attempt to convert values to decimals
s_base = TheRatio/TheRatio_old
s_mass = s_mass_old * m_scaling
s_length = s_length_old * (l_scaling*s_base)**3
s_length = s_length_old * (l_scaling)**3
c = (c_old / l_scaling )
print (f" c {c:.9} 1/c {1/c:.9} s_length {s_length**Decimal(1/3):10.10} length {l_scaling:.9} m_P {s_mass:10.10} mass {m_scaling:.9}")
print(f" h={s_length * s_mass / c:1.30e} hc={s_length * s_mass :1.30e} G={s_length / s_mass :1.30e} ")
print(f" h={s_length:.10}*{s_mass:.10}/{c:.10} hc={s_length:.10}*{s_mass:.10} G={s_length:.10}/{s_mass:.10}")
print(f" The Ratio {((TheRatio_old/c)**3/1)**(Decimal('1')/Decimal('3')):20.18e}")
change = 1.0000000008
change = change**(1/3)
scaling_pairs = [
(1, 1),
((Decimal('1')/s_mass), TheRatio),
((Decimal('1')/s_mass), 1/TheRatio),
((Decimal('1')/s_mass), c/TheRatio),
((Decimal('1')/s_mass), TheRatio/c),
((Decimal('1')/s_mass), c),
print("\n ---- Exploring h, hc and G ------- ")
calculate_and_print_results_new(scaling_pairs, c, s_mass, s_length, TheRatio)